Travelling One Billion Years into Past.

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Imagine if you could take in all of human history in the blink of an eye. Well, from the first steps out of the slime to the first steps on the Moon, that's exactly where we are in cosmic terms. But in that short amount of time, we've done quite a bit. What would you see if you

Imagine if you could take in all of human history in the blink of an eye. Well, from the first steps out of the slime to the first steps on the Moon, that's exactly where we are in cosmic terms. But in that short amount of time, we've done quite a bit. What would you see if you traveled 1,000,000,000 years into the past? Did Earth ever look like a giant flush ball?

How far back would you have to go to see the first humans?

And are we already going extinct? In a sense, we're all time travelers. We travel into the future at the rate of one second per second. But if you want to go backward in time, you'll need to go faster than the speed of light. That's, according to Einstein.

Or maybe your time machine would jump through wormholes.

A hypothetical tunnel that connects two different points in space time. However, you decide to travel through the jumbled mess of time.

You'Ll see the effects and spend the causes of the most powerful forces that shaped our world.

You might leave wondering, how many times did the Earth freeze as you watch history unfold or refold or whatever, you might be surprised at the toll humanity has taken on this planet in such a short amount of time.

If you start in 2021 and move backward. You would watch the sixth mass extinction event happening right now, known as the Holocene Extinction.

We are currently living through one of the most destructive periods of our time caused by human activities. As humans destroy coral reefs and rainforests.

The numerous wildlife and plants that depend on these ecosystems die with them. According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, 67% of endangered species could be extinct in 100 years. And since most of these extinctions are undocumented, we won't even know about what we've lost until it's gone. Maybe not even that.

Visit the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and you could watch the pollution created by the Industrial Revolution reversed back into the smokestacks.

Cities would shrink down and return to their roots as rural farmlands. While this would let you see the explosion of the human race in terms of population and pollution.

If you want to retrace our first steps. You'Ll need to go back farther. To our the planet 2000 years ago, and you would witness the arrival of our species, Homo sapiens. Jump back 7,000,000 years to Northern Chad, and the oldest known species of humans could stroll right by you. Known as the Philanthropist Cadences.

This mysterious link in our chain looked ape like.

But was the first to walk upright. He seems friendly enough.

If you think you have challenges now.

Imagine living during this age. You need the skills these early humans learned to survive, and you need them fast. 

You might not make it past a Jurassic era. But travel to 60,000,000 years ago and you'll see the first primates emerge from the humid rainforests of Asia. Okay, step back to 65,000,000 years ago and you'd find yourself under the giant asteroid that created a global extinction event. The impact caused a and filled the air with dust and debris.

The crash also set off massive volcanic eruptions across the world. With the Sun blacked out and the land flooding, the last of the dinosaurs died out. But without this event, mammals like us may never have taken over the planet. Go back 130,000,000 years and you'll see the first flowers Bloom as you travel 200,000,000 years back in time, you'll witness the breakup of Pangea.

The mass of land that will become the continents. As the land breaks apart, the lava eruptions will be so massive they kill almost 80% of the species on Earth. Okay, keep going back another 20,000,000 years and watch the first early mammals, small and nocturnal, crawl around in the dark. And if you go back to 230,000,000 years ago, you could watch the early dinosaurs walk for the first time on two legs.

That can happen, though. The Earth has to go through what would be known as the great dying, also called the Permian extinction. 95% of all species on Earth died. But you could also watch the Earth's land masses come together to form Pangea.

Now, you could take a walk from Argentina to China.

But things get interesting. Around 375,000,000 years ago, you would watch marine animals walking onto land for the first time. Maybe you would see a italic which looks like a salamander mixed with a fish. This strange creature would later evolve into mammals and amphibians. But just like every species you saw before, this growth doesn't happen without a cost. And now we're at the first extinction event. The Ordo vision extinction occurs when ice sheets spread from the polar caps into the oceans.

Almost 70% of all sea life died off during this planet wide freeze over 460,000,000 years ago.

Okay, keep going back.

And you could see how life started underwater. Called the Cambrian explosion. Age of most of the species on our planet today can be traced back to this milestone. But scientists are still unsure how this unique event happened.

Between 635,000,000 and 850,000,000 years ago.

The Earth froze over twice, once for almost 60,000,000 years. And the next time for 15,000,000 years. One theory suggests that the Earth was only covered in a thin film of ice, allowing the Sun's rays to seep through and plant the seeds of life below.

But go back 1,000,000,000 years in history.

And you'll be surprised to find, well, not a lot.

During this time, red algae are forming spores to reproduce. Cells are coming together to form larger organisms. Life on Earth is microscopic and not very threatening. But nothing has been more vicious to our planet in such a short amount of time as humans. But maybe humans will set things right. Eventually. There could be a change in our planet or our hearts that might set our future on a different path. Or maybe, like the dinosaurs and Neanderthals, we would just be replaced by something else.

